Thursday, August 5, 2010

umm hi

i have abandoned beautiful wedding photo blogs. They give me bad energy from looking at them too much and they skew my priorities in a bad way. And I have been feeling distinctly un-weddingy. which makes sense since i'm not engaged yet. I've also been taking a photography class twice a week after work which has stretched me pretty thin. I'm happy to say that next week is the last class and that i know how to use my camera now. I'd really like to get into wedding photography (have i said that already?). Partly because i can really help us along while i'm in grad school and partly because i looked at photographers in my area and thought surely i can do better than that. Anyhoo, head over to APW again today for a very smart post from one lovely lady.


  1. Yeah, the pretty wedding blogs get tiresome after a while and even start to look the same, which is funny since all of the couples work very hard to make their weddings unique.

    They are good in small doses.

    I like to see pre-engagement blogs, keep up the neat work!

  2. They really skewed my priorities, too. I started reading blogs about marriage instead. It gave me a better perspective on what I want form both the wedding and the days after.

    I have tried to keep my blog as practical (meaning wedding porn free) as possible.
