Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A voice from over yonder

Have you discovered pinterest yet? I have and i love it. I'm going to make these for the wedding.
We also bought a bunch of lights to hang at the wedding. Except instead of expensive garden lights, we got regular white Christmas lights. I think they look just as good. Plus, half as expensive.
Wedding planning is good. We've booked our venue/accomodations (2 in 1 yipee!) and our caterer. We booked a wonderful photographer who is early in her illustrious career and fits nicely into our budget. And, I bought my dress. I'm picking it up this weekend.
I found it a couple weeks ago. I went down to Seattle with my mom to go to Davids Bridal and JCrew. Davids Bridal had some nice dresses that didn't quite fit the bill. It also had a bridal consultant from another decade who told me that my father would lift the veil from my face like a most precious gift. .... I can't even tell you how many things are wrong with that sentence for me. I'm all kinds of horrified just thinking about it. It's also seriously funny, because who says that? Thank goodness my actual consultant was very good.

Then we went to JCrew where my consultant was fantastic. She had a good head on her shoulders and emphasized the importance of how the dress made you feel without going over the top. I had gone to JCrew to see a few in particular and I tried on a bunch. When I tried on the dress though, i totally had the moment. I didn't think i would but I just felt different in my dress. As soon as I put it on, I felt happy and excited and feminine and delicate. It was hard to explain but I just felt like a bride. I tried on a bunch more afterwards that I also liked and spent time trying to narrow down those options before I tried the dress on again. As soon as I tried it on again though, I just knew it was the one. It was how it made me feel. And yes, I teared up a bit. My consultant said when she was choosing her dress she imagined herself in the dress walking towards her groom and that was how she knew if the dress felt right. Well let me tell you, imagining that in the wedding dress that is right for you is guaranteed to make you emotional. It was kind of a wonderful moment. Actually, I'm really looking forward to trying the dress on again this weekend, although I don't know how I'm going to stop myself from trying it on again and again once it's hanging in my closet. Hmmmm.

This happened months ago

Well well well. I was reading a baby blog ( and thought wow it's so cool that they're documenting all this. Then I remembered that's what I intended to do over here. So now i am back, for a little while.

There have been some changes. I finished school for the summer and today i landed a job (that is fantastic & wonderful). I start in 2 weeks.

We have also agonized over the concept of the wedding. It took us a full 4 months to figure out what kind of wedding felt right for us. We decided that we wanted an intimate wedding.We wanted our guests to be people who knew us well and loved us both. We were hoping to avoid guests who would wonder what was for dinner during the ceremony so we could spend more time with people who are a big part of our lives all year round. We wanted to celebrate just like it was any other day and skip the whole big to-do part of weddings. We wanted the people there And it was fantastic to both come to this agreement and feel right about it.

Then we told my parents. And they were cool with it. And then we told them again to double check. And again. And they were cool with it. And then when we had gotten used to the idea they decided that they weren't cool with it. I guess the whole wedding concept finally sunk in and it turns out they did have some feelings about not inviting all the extended family. Which is fair enough.

So I cried. Quite a bit. One thing I know about myself is that once I'm attached to something, whether it's a person, thing or idea, it takes me some time to let go of it. So I cried and we talked about it. My parents each called me every day for several days after they told us how they felt and I put off their calls. I wasn't ready to talk about it. I didn't want to explain myself or make them feel like they needed to explain themselves. We both had legitimate concerns. Sometimes that's how it is.

Then one day, we decided to just explore our different options and open our minds to a few new ideas for the wedding. We decided to figure out how to incorporate a larger guestlist into the wedding we wanted. I discovered that I was more attached to a laidback and intimate feeling for the wedding day rather than a small guestlist.

*edit: This post has languished unfinished for months now. Since I'm trying to document this whole wedding planning process, I've decided to publish it as is. To make a long story short... We're having a small island wedding. The end.